Talati Insights
Ashish Talati is an Instructor for SupplySide Fresh!
SupplySide Fresh is a program that offers online educational sessions plus virtual and in-person networking opportunities for new people — or people in new roles — in the nutrition industry.
Ashish’s session covers Ingredient safety: GRAS and other considerations.
Ashish Talati co-chair’s ACI’s Food Law and Regulation Boot Camp!
This conference’s distinguished faculty is comprised of the “who’s who” of the food and beverage regulatory bar and provides attendees with a comprehensive understanding of the basics of food law, regulation, and compliance.
Agenda – Food Law and Regulation Boot Camp (americanconference.com)
Ashish Talati Speaks at ACI/CRN 2024 Dietary Supplement Conference!
There will be a new acronym at the FDA starting Oct 1, 2024, when the Office of Regulatory Affairs (ORA) will become the new Office of Inspections and Investigations (OII). As part of the Human Foods Program and restructuring of its field operations, about 1500 ORA staff would be reassigned to work directly on inspections and investigations. What does that mean for the dietary supplement industry? How does the FDA plan to use both mandatory and voluntary Remote Regulatory Assessments (RRAs)? What are some of the best practices for handling RRAs? Ashish will be speaking on this important topic at the ACI/CRN conference in NYC.